Privacy Policy

ERP Associates Inc., (“ERP Associates”) respects all users and their privacy. It is our policy to comply with internationally recognized standards of personal data privacy protection.

1) ERP Associates collects three kinds of information from you.

  1. Personally-identifiable Information
  2. Non-personally-identifiable Information
  3. Personal Subscription Information
  1. Personally-identifiable Information is information like your first and last name, year of birth, sex, country, occupation, annual income range, education, house-hold size, alternative contract address and such other personal details. This is collected at the time of registration to any of the ERP Associates services.
  2. Impersonally-identifiable Information includes your IP address,(your computer’s unique signature), operating system, browser software, internet service provider, domain type and other numeric codes that identify a computer(“Aggregated information”) ERP Associates uses cookies to collect Aggregated information. A cookie is a small text file that a web server places on your hard drive, with your permission to keep records. Once you register on the ERP Associatest web site, VERP Associates cookies start making a record of the pages you have visited, your preferences and passwords. These cookies cannot carry viruses or extract data from your computer as they cannot contain program codes. Only the server that sets the cookies has access to the information saved by those cookies. ERP Associates does not provide access to the users who do not accept the cookies as cookies are vital for the functioning of the ERP Associates systems.
  3. Personal Subscription Information is collected at the time of subscription to specific programs such as opt-in e-mails, opt-in newsletters, polling and special promotions. It includes all your Personally-identifiable Information, your e-mail addresses, and topics you find interesting.

2. Purpose of collecting the information

Personally-identifiable Information is collected solely for the purpose of identifying, servicing and managing individual users. Aggregated information is requested so that aggregate statistics on the usage of the site can be compiled which enables us to analyze our users’ demographics, interests and behaviors. It is indicative of the needs of the users of ERP Associates services and helps us serve you better by customizing the site according to your needs.

Subscription Information is for enabling us to deliver e-mails or newsletters to users who have chosen to subscribe to such programs.

ERP Associates takes utmost care to see that the personal information is not misused, altered or lost. However in case of unauthorized use of the information or in unavoidable circumstances, ERP Associates is not responsible for any loss or misuse or aslteration of any information.

3. Sharing Information

We do not disclose any of your Personally-identifiable Information to any third parties except

  1. with your written permission
  2. as required by any applicable law
  3. to our relevant Enterprise clients in the manner explained below

Enterprise clients are companies or individuals who purchase ERP Associates services to power their Web sites. Enterprise clients hold control of the service and the users on the service. Personally-identifiable Information is shared with ERP Associates relevant Enterprise clients in accordance with ERP Associates operating agreements. ERP Associates is not responsible for the use of Personally-identifiable Information by our Enterprise clients. We recommend that you review the privacy policy statements of the relevant Enterprise client for more information on their specific practices. Please visit our home page ( for further details of our Enterprise clients and their sites.

Some of our Enterprise clients may share information about their users with their advertising partners, in order to target the correct audience for advertising. When you click on the advertising displayed on Web sites or marketing e-mails powered by ERP Associates technology, you may be linked to sites that are not operated by ERP Associates. ERP Associates is not responsible for the collection or use of any information that you provide to such sites. We strongly recommend that you review the privacy policy statements of all sites that collect information from you.

4. Protection of Children under 13

Every user is requested to indicate his/her age in the Registration form as required by the United States of America’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Access to ERP Associates services is denied if the user is a child below 13 years of age. ERP Associates takes utmost care not to provide access to children under 13, intentionally. But if it comes to the knowledge of ERP Associates that it has the personal information on a child under 13years, ERP Associates will delete such information.

5. Access and Updates of Personally Identifiable Information

Users have access to the Personally-identifiable Information and can change their information by following the instructions in the user account option. In case of any difficulty in updating the information, please contact

6. Consent

By registering to any of the services of ERP Associates, you agree to your information being used as stated in this Privacy Policy Statement. You also consent to the transfer, should the need arise of any information as required by any applicable law.

7. Updating the Privacy Policy Statement

ERP Associates reserves the right to amend the Privacy Policy without prior notice. Users may verify periodically for any changes on the website of ERP Associates.

8. Queries/Suggestions

If you have any questions or suggestions concerning ERP Associates use of your personal information, please contact us at: